About Me

I am a Scottish-Swedish writer based in Stockholm. I am fascinated by place, landscape and migration, and much of my writing focuses on the feeling of being ‘other’.

I have lived in Sweden for over eight years, am fluent in the language and know my way around the culture, but I also understand the curious feeling of being half-in two cultures. 

I am a voracious reader and a language nerd. I studied Scottish Language and Literature at Glasgow University (2003-2007) and work with communications every day. I love observing people’s use of language, and how trends and platforms change how we interact.

The natural world always plays and important role in my work, perhaps because I was raised so rurally that I felt tiny against the landscape, or perhaps because it’s the only way I feel grounded. 

In 2008 I was awarded a Peter Kirk Travel Scholarship to spend some time in Southern Spain examining the notion of duende in Flamenco culture and contemporary art. I love life drawing.

In 2013, following a 25 day rafting expedition through the Grand Canyon, I began working on my first full length work of narrative non-fiction. If you would like to know more about the book, please email me.